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L |
L–band EPIRB | |
Land Earth Station (LES) An earth station in the maritime mobile | |
LEOLUT Low Earth Orbit Local User Terminal. As used in the Cospas–Sarsat system. See also LUT. | |
LES see Land Earth Station | |
LF Low Frequency (3 to 30 kHz) | |
Local User Terminal (LUT) A ground receiving station which receives data from COSPAS and SARSAT satellites, calculates the position of the beacon and forwards the resultant information to rescue authorities. | |
Locating signals Transmissions intended to facilitate the location of ship in distress or survival craft. | |
LRIT Long Range Identification and Tracking. A ship reporting system requiring ships to automatically transmit their identity, position and date/time at 6–hour intervals, as part of Maritime Domain Awareness, by contracting Governments under SOLAS. | |
LSB Lower Sideband mode of emission. A form of single sideband emission, where only the lower sideband is transmitted. | |